I then started looking into Mashups, and saw names like Jyeoms, Miggy Smallz, Ryuseralover, Leia, JEM mm. To my surprise, kpop was bigger than I ever imagine, and I got requests to make mashups by the community on Reddit. Back in the days, I made remix's of kpop songs that I like and so the first kpop related content I release on Youtube was a remix of Ikon 'Love Scenario'. The end of June, I wanted to get better at using vocals on my songs, and the best way I could think of was to make remix's. I made two songs, and released it on Spotify, but no one bothered to listen other than my friends and family, who supported me to keep on going.
Best mashups of all time reddit how to#
So I spent February to June researching how to become better at making music. But with only 30 subscribers, No one was taking me serious. I started my Youtube Channel back in 21th February 2018, wanting to work with young talented on Youtube. But today, the world is different, and I don't want to regret not trying my best to make something out of it. Back then, as a young kid, no one would take you serious, with no one to support you, it felt impossible to choose it as a career. I love listening to music everyday, and one day, I found myself making music. I believe its because of my Dad always singing to me and teaching me how to sing (I'm not a good singer tho). Music has been a passion for me since I was a kid.

I've decided to make this page, to help me reach my dream of being able to continue making mashups and music.